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Welcome visitors to your site with a short, engaging introduction. Double click to edit and add your own text.

“You sent me another angel.  I tell you, I don’t know where you get these people but one is better than the other one.  This guy had such patience!  He took me to the dentist who told me I needed a root canal and he gave me the name of a doctor on North Street.  Vinnie B. said “oh, it’s not far. I could take you to check into it.” We checked into it and what else could I ask for?  Nothing else.  You are true angel people.  His name is Vinnie, a wonderful, patient guy.  The drivers are all wonderful.  I am so happy.  I hope that the town knows what a great service FISH is for elderly people.  I feel like a million dollars today.”


Amie M.

“At the end of last year, and then, this past spring, I had two major surgeries on both of my wrists.  And, of course, I could not drive for quite a while. But no problem, FISH came to the rescue! Their wonderful volunteer drivers drove me just about everywhere, to the doctor, to the occupational therapist, etc. They would even ask on my way home, 'Hey Viviana, do you need anything at the grocery store?' And, of course, I did, so we would make a quick stop at the store. In the beginning, I could barely push a cart or even carry a small bag with a couple of items, so yes, they did that too! Not to mention that during our drives, we had very animated and engaging conversations that helped my spirit, not just my wrists. 

What a treasure to have in New Fairfield."       


                                                                                                  - Viviana T.


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